
Health and Spices

Since ancient times, in addition to adding flavor to meals, experts recommend using at least one type of spice for every meal. Thanks to the intense aroma of spices, you can prepare more delicious and healthier meals by adding less salt, sugar and oil to flavor your food. Spicy dishes are also more filling than plain foods, because foods with less flavor make us eat faster and become less satiated.

Many of the spices in our kitchens help protect our bodies against cancer, diabetes and heart disease. They facilitate the digestion of foods and provide hygiene and longer preservation in our meals thanks to their antimicrobial properties. Let’s take a closer look at the properties of the spices that are recommended to consume frequently to protect our health:

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Cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar and cholesterol. It is good for stomach and intestinal problems, colds, hand and foot tremors. When you crave dessert, you can add fruit or tea to meet your sugar needs in a healthy way.

Cumin used especially in meat dishes and pickles calms nerves, strengthens our memory, increases breast milk. It is good for high blood pressure, rheumatism and indigestion. 1 tablespoon of cumin helps our body to keep our energy high and fight flu by meeting 22% of our daily iron need.

Thyme is one of the most antioxidant spices, even 1 teaspoon of Thyme contains as many antioxidants as 3 cups of Broccoli, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t consume broccoli, of course, we should eat both. Oregano also contains high amounts of vitamin K, which helps bone development. Thanks to its bacterial repellant and disinfecting properties, it has healing effects on gingivitis, acne treatment and upper respiratory tract inflammation.

Mint, which is good for digestive system problems such as indigestion, nausea and gas, also has a calming and relaxing feature for the nerves. It is good for colds and reduces toothache and bad breath. You can use it in dried and fresh form in your meals or drink tea.

Hot spice Red Pepper is a favorite of those who want to lose weight, it accelerates the metabolism and makes it easier for the body to burn fat and keeps it full. It is good for flu and cold.

Black pepper, which is found in almost all tables all over the world, is appetizing, facilitates digestion and has gas-removing properties, It helps the entire digestive system to work properly and to stay healthy.

It has been proven by researches that the turmeric in curry prevents the development of prostate cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer cells and is even useful in destroying cancerous cells. It helps weight control, reduce cholesterol, and heal wounds quickly. By strengthening the immune system, it reduces health problems such as cold, flu and cough.

Garlic destroys cancerous cells and helps break down tumors. Consuming 1-2 teeth a week has a cancer preventive effect. It also has antibiotic properties and is effective against fungi, bacteria and viruses. It lowers blood pressure and dilutes blood. It also heals gum diseases and is very beneficial for the skin.

Defne Leaf, another spice that is very good for the skin, is even made into soap and shampoo in Hatay region. It has a diuretic, breathing and soothing feature. It is beneficial for the symptoms caused by the common cold, breathing, sweating, getting tired, breaking the germs.

Basil has digestive, carminative, appetizing, breast milk-enhancing and germ-removing properties. It relaxes the body by showing a calming effect. It is beneficial against mouth sores, cough and dizziness.

One of the most known benefits of Black Seed, which accelerates digestion and facilitates digestion, is that it is good for asthma. Increases breast milk, appetite, relieves stomach ailments.

Coconut is a very rich food in minerals such as Calcium, Potassium and Magnesium. It is good for skin and hair, facilitates weight loss by accelerating metabolism, strengthens immunity.

Using these spices, which play an important role in healthy life and fighting diseases, you can give a different taste to the simplest dishes and salads as if you have prepared a new and original recipe.

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